Feb 07, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Policies

Academic Load and Enrollment Requirements

All academic credit is stated in semester credit hours. Full- and part-time student status is determined by the number of credit hours in which a student is enrolled during any given term. In credit hours, the academic load for undergraduate semester students is as follows:


Twelve or more credit hours


Nine to eleven credit hours: three quarter-time
Six to eight credit hours: half-time
One to five credit hours: less than half-time

Notes: (1) International students must maintain full-time student status to remain in compliance with U.S. visa regulations.

(2) Course extensions (including capstone extensions and thesis extensions) are not counted among a student’s “hours enrolled.” For this reason, students who are enrolled only in the completion of a thesis or capstone experience are considered less than half-time students.

(3) Missouri students expecting to qualify for Missouri State Grant funds are required by the state to be enrolled in a minimum of 12 hours per semester both at the time the funds are requested and at the time the funds are received.

Academic Overload

Any full-time traditional student who wishes to take up to 18 hours may do so without seeking any additional approvals. Students wishing to take 19-24 credit hours must petition for academic course overload. Note: Any student that exceeds the number of hours included in the block tuition rate will incur additional tuition charges.

Honors Overload

With administrative authorization, full-time traditional students with cumulative grade-point averages above 3.5 may take courses up to 24 credit hours of undergraduate coursework at no extra charge as long as the traditional student matriculated prior to the 2021-22 academic year. Students that matriculate during the 2021-22 or any future academic years will not be eligible for the honors overload. In addition, the honors benefit shall apply to early access graduate courses.

International Student Enrollment Requirements

International students studying at Lindenwood University adhere to specific enrollment requirements in accordance with their F-1 visa status.

For international students enrolling in online courses:

8 CFR § 214.2(f)(6)(i)(G) For F1 students enrolled in classes for credit or classroom hours, no more than the equivalent of one class or three credits per term may be counted toward the full course of study requirement if the class is taken online or through distance education and does not require the student’s physical attendance for classes, examination, or other purposes integral to completion of the class. An online or distance education course is a course that is offered principally through the use of television, audio, or computer transmission including open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, or satellite, audio conferencing, or computer conferencing.

  • One online course will count towards full-time status.
  • Lindenwood University policy states that undergraduate students cannot be enrolled in the same number of online as on-ground classes.

Undergraduate On-Ground and Online Course Combinations

Enrollment Status Number of Online & On-Ground Courses
Enrolled in 12 credit hours Three on-ground and one online
Enrolled in 15 credit hours Three on-ground and two online
Enrolled in 18 credit hours Four on-ground and two online, etc.

Graduate On-Ground and Online Course Combinations

Enrollment Status Number of Online & On-Ground Courses
Enrolled in six credit hours One on-ground and one online
Enrolled in nine credit hours Two on-ground and one online

For international students wanting to take an approved reduced course load:

Reduced Course Load (RCL) is when a student is authorized to take less than full-time course load. There are several reasons that RCL can be authorized for an international student:

  1. Illness or medical reason.
  2. Improper course level placement.
  3. Initial difficulty with reading requirements.
  4. Initial difficulty with the English language.
  5. Unfamiliarity with the U.S. teaching method.
  6. To complete course of study in current term.

Each of the items listed have specific requirements in order to be authorized. Please read the requirements on the Study in the States - reduced course load website before selecting the reason.

RCL can be requested by submitting the Reduced Course Load form to the (P)DSO located in the Center for Diversity Inclusion (DCI). If the student needs to have an RCL authorized in mid-term, the form should be submitted prior to completing the add/drop form. Reduced Course Load form can be found on the International Services Website or can be requested by emailing InternationalServices@lindenwood.edu.

For international students taking courses at different location:

  • International students are required to take the majority of their program courses on the St. Charles campus.
  • The required courses for the international student’s program cannot have more than 50% of the courses taught at an off campus Learning Center.

For international students participating in Curricular Practical Training (CPT):

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is special work authorization for international students. It allows students to participate in internships or work off campus as long as the student is enrolled in an internship course for that term. CPT is approved for students in their junior year of their program.

  • CPT is term based, meaning that it is only authorized for the term that the student is taking the internship course.
  • Students must have CPT added to their I-20 if they are receiving compensation or participating in a paid internship opportunity. If they are non-paid/volunteer internships, then CPT does not need to be authorized on their I-20.
  • CPT will only be authorized for part-time while the term is in session.

Undergraduate/Graduate students:

  • During the fall and spring semesters, graduate and undergraduate students only can work part-time.
  • Graduate and undergraduate semester students can work full-time during the summer session.

CPT Procedures

  • Students are required to fill out all four sections of the CPT form.
  • If the student has an internship procedure/packet, it will need to be included with the CPT form.
  • The student can include a copy of the employer hire letter in lieu of the employer filling out the requested section of the CPT form.

Classification of Students

Academic progress is calculated in credit hours.

  • To be classified as a sophomore, a student must have successfully completed at least 24 credit hours.
  • To be classified as a junior, a student must have successfully completed at least 54 credit hours.
  • To be classified as a senior, the student must have successfully completed at least 84 credit hours.

The classification of a student is changed only at the end of a term. A minimum of 120 credit hours (not including courses completed at the preparatory or pre-college level, numbered 01000-09999) is necessary to complete a bachelor’s degree.


All students at Lindenwood University are expected to attend all classes and all class activities for which they have enrolled. Students who miss class are expected to inform the instructor and to make up the work to the instructor’s satisfaction.

At times, absence from class may be unavoidable - as in instances of prolonged illness, hospitalization, mandatory religious practices, or participation in an approved student activity. (For information regarding absence due to university-sponsored activity, see the Excused Absence Policy for Students Engaged in LU Authorized Events.) A student who has been hospitalized should submit official doctor’s or hospital documentation to the accessibility manager located in the Library and Academic Resource Center, Suite 346. Written verification of religious observances may be required.

In the case of unsatisfactory work due to excessive absences from class, the instructor may give ample warning to the student that the work is unsatisfactory and may report a final grade of F or AF to the registrar.

Notes: Persons receiving benefits from the Veterans Administration are governed by special regulations concerning class attendance See Veterans’ Benefits, appearing earlier in this catalog.

Bereavement Policy


In the event that a student experiences the death of a loved one during the course of an academic term, the student may request to utilize the Bereavement Policy for Students. Lindenwood recognizes the impact that a loss may have on the emotional and academic well-being of a student and wishes to support the student during this stressful time. Lindenwood also understands that grief impacts every student differently and, therefore, this policy is not an attempt to quantify the impact of the death of a loved one or in any way address the nature of the grief process. Rather, the purpose of this policy is to provide a formal process to allow grieving students the time to attend the bereavement services, as well as the opportunity to be available for their families during times of death and grief.


Under this policy, a student will be excused from class for funeral leave, subsequent bereavement, and/or travel considerations. A student is entitled up to five (5) consecutive academic days of bereavement to mourn a death in the immediate family as defined below. For a death outside the immediate family as defined below, a student is entitled up to three (3) consecutive academic days of bereavement. While this policy excuses a student from class attendance, the student remains responsible for all material covered in class and must work with each individual professor upon return to complete any required work.

The immediate family includes:

  • Parent(s) or legal guardian(s)
  • Spouse
  • Parent 
  • Stepparent 
  • Sibling 
  • Child 
  • Stepchild 
  • Grandparents or grandparents-in-law
  • Father-in-law
  • Mother-in-law
  • Brother-in-law
  • Sister-in-law
  • Son-in-law
  • Daughter-in-law
  • Grandchild

International Students

An international student will be granted up to ten (10) consecutive days if there is a death in their immediate family. The student must provide the SASS office with relevant and appropriate documentation to certify the death of a relative. Such documentation may include a copy of a death certificate, a letter from a recognized religious leader (such as an Imam), a police or consular report, official government certification or similar. All submitted documentation must be official copies in English (or be accompanied by an official translation). 


The University reserves the right to review specific situations to determine if exceptions to the established bereavement policy are warranted. Exceptions must be discussed and agreed upon prior to the start of the leave with the Director, Student Support Services in consultation with the Associate Provost, Academic Affairs and the AVP, Student Affairs.

Scope of Applicability

This policy is applicable to all full- and part-time graduate and undergraduate students.

Process and Notification

The student or a representative (family member, room/suitemate, on-campus faculty/staff) must notify the Student Academic Support Services (SASS) Office prior to the start of the bereavement leave. The student is required to provide appropriate documentation to the SASS Office. Upon receipt of the appropriate documentation, a representative from SASS will notify the necessary and appropriate on-campus offices (faculty, success coach/academic advisor, athletic coaches, Residence Life) of a student’s bereavement leave and anticipated return date. Upon return to the institution, it is the responsibility of the student to communicate with their instructors about any missed assignments and arrange to complete missed work. In keeping with this policy, instructors shall excuse the student from class according to this policy and provide an opportunity for the student to complete missed quizzes, exams, papers, other required work and/or alternative assignments. Students who have followed this policy should not incur academic penalties. Members of the faculty shall have the option to adjust course requirements at their discretion to assist the student in ways deemed appropriate including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Extension of due dates
  • Providing make-up exams
  • Assigning alternative assignments and/or evaluations
  • Assigning a grade of Incomplete
  • Issuing the student a final grade for coursework earned to date without a requirement to complete remaining academic assignments (typically for situations occurring within the last two weeks of the semester)
  • Other measures agreed upon by the instructor and the student


Any student who wishes to utilize this policy is required to provide documentation to the Student Academic Support Services (SASS) Office. Acceptable documents may include: a funeral program, obituary, signed letter from funeral home, or death certificate. Failure to provide documentation will result in the absences being considered unexcused.


If an instructor fails to follow this policy, the student may appeal the instructor’s decision in writing to the Associate Provost, Academic Affairs.

Counseling Services

Lindenwood University’s Student Counseling and Resource Center is available to assist students and provide counseling services if so desired by the student. Students may also access free crisis and scheduled teletherapy through Uwill while away from campus and upon their return.

Academic Support

Lindenwood University’s Student Academic Support Services (SASS) Office is available to assist students and provide academic support if so desired by the student.

Excused Absence Policy for Students Engaged in Military Duties

Title 38 of the U.S. Code (Law) states that an educational institution may not take the following actions when a member receives orders for a period of service:

  • Assigning the member a failing grade,
  • Reducing the member’s grade point average,

  • Characterizing any member’s absence(s) as unexcused, or

  • Assessing a financial penalty on a member because of a withdraw or leave of absence due to receiving orders for service.

Lindenwood University allows students participating in required military duties to be excused from class. Military duties covered under this policy include but are not limited to military deployment, required annual military training, ROTC activities and civilian deployments in support of federal operations. For service members holding Reserve and National Guard status, weekend duty (drill) requirements should not interfere with normal school schedules. However, if a situation arises that requires absence from class due to duty/drill requirements, this absence can also be excused if the required absence is verified by the commanding officer or other affiliated Guard leader.

If circumstances permit, students should notify instructors of all absences for military duty prior to the absence. Instructors may request documentation/verification of the military duty and require that the absence be verified by the Office of Veteran Affairs. If an exigent circumstance arises, where notification is not possible prior to the absence, the student should contact the instructor and/or university as soon as possible to present documentation of the reason for the absence as well as the reason for late notification. When make-up work is pertinent, students who have provided their professors with notice should be afforded the opportunity to complete assigned work. Alternatively, students can be assigned an educationally equivalent substitutable activity at a time and place mutually agreed upon by the student and the instructor.

No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student with excused absences for official university activities or military duties.

Notes: Students enrolled in classes with extremely compressed meeting schedules will not be excused from class attendance if participation in the activity would cause the student to miss a significant portion of the scheduled meeting time. Students who enroll in such a class and find that they must be absent will be advised to withdraw from the class.

Excused Absence Policy for Students Engaged in Lindenwood University Authorized Events

Lindenwood University allows students engaged in official sports contests, arts events, approved field trips, approved conferences, etc., to be excused from class for University-sponsored events in which those students are officially representing the university. Students are required to communicate personally with their professors regarding their anticipated absences and to arrange for missed work in advance of their university-authorized absences. When make-up work is pertinent, students who have provided their professors with advance notice should be afforded the opportunity to complete that work or an educationally equivalent and substitutable activity at a time and place mutually agreed upon by the student and the instructor.

Notes: Students enrolled in classes with extremely compressed meeting schedules will not be excused from class attendance, even for a university-authorized event if participation in the event would cause the student to miss a significant portion of the scheduled meeting time. Students who enroll in such a class and find that they must be absent will be advised to withdraw from the class.

Responsibilities Related to Excused Absence Policy

All members of the Lindenwood community have responsibilities to ensure that the Excused Absence Policy functions properly and efficiently for students, staff, and faculty. Below are the responsibilities of each party affected by or involved with the Excused Absence Policy:

Athletics Department

The Lindenwood Athletics Department will provide notice of any upcoming student-athlete absence for a sporting event or related, excused sports activity. The notice will be sent through LindenCircle. This notice is to inform faculty the student-athlete is representing the University in an athletics event or function. It is the responsibility of the student-athletes to remind professors of their absence at least 48 hours in advance and to arrange for any missed work. Exceptions to the 48-hour rule should be noted in the LindenCircle excuse form and include last-minute travel roster substitutions, changes in schedule due to inclement weather, and/or qualifying competition.

Academic Departments

A faculty member or academic department sponsoring a special co-curricular event or outing should first complete a field trip form and submit it to the associate provost for engaged learning for approval. This form should list the name of each student attending the outing, along with a sponsor signature, confirming all students who will be traveling have signed a travel waiver. Once the outing is approved, the associate provost will send notice via LindenCircle of the excused absence.


Professors affected by excused student absences should make reasonable accommodations for excused students who are missing class or other academic activities because of their participation in an event or other function related to their participation in a scheduled, university-authorized co-curricular event. Professors should, in advance of any such excused absences, stipulate in writing in the course syllabus their expectations of and procedures for students who must miss class for authorized reasons. Each professor’s expectations and procedures should meet the parameters outlined in this Excused Absence Policy and should be reviewed with all students during the first week of class.


Students who must miss class for a Lindenwood sporting event or other Lindenwood-authorized activity must, in person or via email, provide advance notice to all professors whose classes they will miss with specific details of their upcoming absence. If possible, this notice should be provided at least 72 hours in advance of the affected class meetings. If 72-hours’ notice is not possible, 

the student should notify professors as soon as possible. This personal notice shall be given in addition to the general notice provided by the Lindenwood Athletics Department or academic department sponsoring the event. In each case, the student also is expected to prepare thoroughly for and promptly engage in any substitute or make-up assignment or activity.

Declaration of Major

All undergraduate students must declare a major by the time they complete their fourth semester of full-time enrollment by submitting a Change of Major/Advisor form to the Office of Academic Services. This form must be completed, signed by the student and the major advisor(s).

Change in Degree Program Students wishing to pursue a degree or program other than the one they originally sought should consult with an advisor in the new program to determine whether additional application materials must be submitted for admission to the new program. For any subsequent change in degree/major program, the same procedure should be followed as above.

Double Major/Second Bachelor’s Degree/Second Bachelor’s Major

It is possible for a student to earn more than one undergraduate baccalaureate degree type from Lindenwood University. These degrees may be pursued either simultaneously or sequentially. They may be earned in the same college, or in two or more colleges of the University.

Degree types offered at Lindenwood include BA, BAS, BFA, BM, BS, or BSW. A student may earn a given degree type only once. For example, a student pursuing majors in accounting and sociology may not earn more than one BA. (See: information on double major.) A student who pursues multiple majors leading to different degree types may earn multiple degrees. For example, a student majoring in exercise science and social work may earn both a BS and a BSW. Students may earn any combination of degree types. (See information on second bachelor’s degree.)

Pursuing Two Bachelor’s Degrees or a Double Major Simultaneously with no Break in Attendance

Double Major

If a student simultaneously completes the requirements of two majors leading toward the same degree type, the student will earn one degree, and both majors will be noted on the student’s transcript. Students will receive one diploma. The student must complete the core requirements for both majors in addition to the general education requirements for the degree earned. (Refer to General Education Requirements by degree.)

Second Bachelor’s Degree

If a student simultaneously completes the requirements of majors leading towards degrees of different types, the student will earn two degrees, with each major noted under the appropriate degree on the student’s transcript. The student must complete the requirements of each major.

Pursuing a Second Bachelor’s Degree or Second Bachelor’s Major Sequentially after a Break in Attendance

Second Bachelor’s Degree

A student who has previously earned a baccalaureate degree from Lindenwood University may return to earn a second bachelor’s degree if the student is seeking a major leading to a degree type not previously earned at Lindenwood University. The student must complete the core requirements of the major. Students will be required to take only those specific general education classes that are degree requirements for their major. Upon completion of all requirements, the second degree and major will be added to the student’s transcript. The student will receive a new diploma listing the degree and major earned.
Students seeking an undergraduate degree who have previously earned a bachelor’s degree from another regionally accredited university based in the United States may petition to waive the Lindenwood University general education requirements. If approved, students will be required to take only those specific general education classes that are degree requirements for their major.

Students seeking an undergraduate degree who have previously earned a bachelor’s degree from an international institution must submit an official transcript to Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE) or World Evaluation Services (WES) for an evaluation. The ECE/WES evaluation will be reviewed to determine the university general education requirements that the student must complete, and the requirements that the student can petition to be waived.

Second Bachelor’s Major

A student who has previously earned a baccalaureate degree from Lindenwood University may return to earn a second bachelor’s major if the student is seeking a major leading to the same degree type previously earned at Lindenwood University. The student must complete the core requirements of the second major. Upon completion of all requirements, the second major will be added to the student’s transcript with the notation “Second Bachelor’s Major.” The student will not receive a new diploma as no new degree type has been earned.

Posthumous Degree

In the event of a student’s untimely death, the University may grant a posthumous degree if the following criteria are met.

Undergraduate students


  • The student had reached senior status and had completed at least 50% of the major requirements.
  • The student was in good standing with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher.
  • The student had no pending disciplinary sanctions.
  • The academic college in which the student was enrolled recommends the awarding of a posthumous degree.


  • Anyone can request a deceased student be considered for a posthumous degree. It is recommended that this request be made within two years of the student’s passing.
  • Once a request has been made, the student’s academic college dean and department faculty will review the student’s eligibility. If the college representatives determine that the student is eligible for a posthumous degree, the recommendation will be forwarded to the Provost.
  • If approved, the Provost will direct the Registrar to award the degree and request a diploma to be sent to the next of kin.
  • The statement “Awarded Posthumously” will be printed on both the student’s transcript and the diploma.

Early College Academy

The Early College Academy allows high school students to earn college credit via dual credit, concurrent enrollment, and early college credit. High-school students are eligible to take most 10000-level courses and some 20000-level courses.

  • Dual Credit Classes meet both high school requirements and the requirements for university credit at Lindenwood. These classes take place in the high school as part of the high school schedule. Dual credit classes are taught by high school teachers that meet credentialing requirements of the University. Participating high schools must have an agreement on file with Lindenwood.
  • Concurrent enrollment classes are existing Lindenwood classes that high school students can take, either online or on-campus, in which the high school has also agreed, will count toward high school credit. These classes are taught by Lindenwood faculty and may or may not take place within a student’s high school schedule. Participating high schools must have an agreement on file with Lindenwood.
  • Early college credit classes are existing Lindenwood classes that high school students can take, either online or on-campus to earn college credit. These classes do not also count toward high school credit. Because these are existing university classes, they are taught by Lindenwood faculty; students are in the same classes as other Lindenwood students; and these classes are not part of the high school schedule.

Any tuition or fees paid for enrollment in the Early College Academy program are non-refundable.

Earned Credit Time Limits

Credits earned at Lindenwood University will be accepted toward a degree no matter when they were earned, except for requirements in the student’s major. Credits earned in the student’s major will be reviewed for approval by the department head. If any course must be repeated within a major and the course is not being offered in the normal sequence of course offerings, it may be offered as a special topics class with credit counting toward graduation. Such a course will be calculated as a part of the student’s GPA.

Extra Credit

At the instructor’s discretion, extra credit opportunities may be offered. Such opportunities must be equally accessible to all students enrolled in the course. Please direct any questions about this policy to the Office of the Provost.

Expectation of Student Work

Student work is defined as assignments, homework, and other academic activities to be completed outside of instructional time, including reading, studying, writing, research, etc. Students should expect to spend a minimum of two hours per week completing this work for each credit hour enrolled (thus, six hours of work outside of class for a three-credit-hour course), although the time spent outside of class may increase based on the topic and level of the course.

Final Exams

All courses are required to meet until the end of the scheduled academic terms defined in the University calendar. Professors are required to hold a final exam or other significant evaluative activity at the scheduled final exam time as outlined in the final exam schedule.

There are no exceptions to these requirements. Faculty members are not to change the time of the final exam, either by changing the date of the exam or by changing the time of the exam. Students must take their final exams at the designated time and place except under extenuating circumstances beyond the students’ control.

In the event that classes are officially cancelled during final exams, the students’ final course grades will be calculated based on the work in the course completed to that point if 75% of the graded work in the class has already been assigned. If 75% of the graded work in the class has not been assigned by the time of the final exam, a make-up exam will be scheduled.

Non-Degree Seeking Students

A student who is not seeking certification or any degree with Lindenwood University may be accepted as a non-degree, “Special Status” student. Students accepted under this status must meet university admissions standards and may not take more than 15 credit hours of regular, undergraduate, or graduate credit without being fully admitted. This policy does not apply to cooperative (workshop) credit. Students accepted with special status are not eligible for financial aid or student loans, as they are not fully admitted to the university. Payment arrangements must be made with the Bursar’s Office prior to attending class. Please direct any questions about this policy to the Office of the Registrar.

Catalog of Entry

Students are required to satisfy the degree requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of matriculation. A continuing student who desires to pursue a course of study added to the curriculum in a subsequent catalog year or who wishes to fulfill degree requirements that have changed since the student’s matriculation must submit a catalog change request to the Office of Academic Services. If the request is granted, the student will be bound by all policies and requirements in the new catalog. Students who discontinue study at Lindenwood University may be required to adopt the requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of readmission depending upon the length of the absence. 

Note: The University reserves the right to modify its policies (other than degree requirements) at any time. Students must adhere to all university policies that are in effect during each term of enrollment.